Herbivore Emerald CBD Deep Moisture Glow Oil
Herbivore, a brand known for its natural and cruelty-free skin products, is launching its new Emerald CBD Deep Moisture Glow Oil as a natural alternative in the daily acne regimen of acne sufferers.
Natural products and ingredients are not viewed as a good offense in the battle against acne.
Consumer preference for natural products is stronger when consumers are preventing illness than when they are curing the same illness. Natural is perceived as less risky and therefore less potent.
Consumers prefer natural products in all aspects of their life, but don't view them as curative as pharmaceuticals.
We need to tap into consumers' preference for natural products and remind them of Mother Nature's power.
Change the perception that natural products are not potent enough to cure illness. Natural is Powerful.
Create a campaign that draws on images of nature's strength to show Herbivore Emerald CBD Deep Moisture Glow is a worthy foe in the battle against acne.